The B2B Revenue Executive Experience
Episode 250: How to Maximize Your Content Marketing Returns
June 21, 2022
You have what seems like a really mundane decision to make: You're in charge of upgrading outdated software for your organization and, for some reason, figuring out what to purchase has you jitterier than Big Bird at a Cats showing. Whatever you get, it has to be the best. In a blind panic, you sign up for every free trial known to man. Luckily, you find a pristine masterpiece of software that is sure to solve every conceivable problem in the multiverse. It worked out for one simple reason: It’s l because, sometimes, quantity is the fastest path to quality. And that’s especially true for content marketing.  That’s one of the many insights today’s guest, content-marketing wizard James Scherer has picked up throughout his career to VP of Growth at Codeless — insights he brings into the show to help us demystify content marketing. Join us as we discuss: The “pillar and post” content methodology  AI in content marketing Content analytics  Quality vs. quantity  Building a solid marketing function in the real world Now that you know how to, are you ready to learn how to conduct killer marketing tests or use data to prevent revenue leaks in your business? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience. Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.

You have what seems like a really mundane decision to make: You're in charge of upgrading outdated software for your organization and, for some reason, figuring out what to purchase has you jitterier than Big Bird at a Cats showing. Whatever you get, it has to be the best. In a blind panic, you sign up for every free trial known to man. Luckily, you find a pristine masterpiece of software that is sure to solve every conceivable problem in the multiverse. It worked out for one simple reason: It’s l because, sometimes, quantity is the fastest path to quality.

And that’s especially true for content marketing. 

That’s one of the many insights today’s guest, content-marketing wizard James Scherer has picked up throughout his career to VP of Growth at Codeless — insights he brings into the show to help us demystify content marketing.

Join us as we discuss:

Now that you know how to, are you ready to learn how to conduct killer marketing tests or use data to prevent revenue leaks in your business? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.

Listening on a desktop & can’t see the links? Just search for B2B Revenue Executive Experience in your favorite podcast player.

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Previous guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at Salesfare

Check out our three most downloaded episodes:

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