Talk Time: The Contact Centre Podcast
Behind the Scenes: Building & Launching MaxContact's Spokn AI Speech Analytics
May 2, 2024
In this special episode of Talk Time with MaxContact, Ben Booth, CEO at MaxContact, and Matthew Yates, VP of Engineering at MaxContact, join Sean McIver to unveil Spokn AI, our exciting new speech analytics product. In just twelve short months, Spokn AI went from concept to reality, with its first client going live in just two weeks. Ben and Matthew are here to share the entire journey, from a spark of an idea to a successful launch.
In this special episode of Talk Time with MaxContact, Ben Booth, CEO at MaxContact, and Matthew Yates, VP of Engineering at MaxContact, join Sean McIver to unveil Spokn AI, our exciting new speech analytics product. In just twelve short months, Spokn AI went from concept to reality, with its first client going live in just two weeks. Ben and Matthew are here to share the entire journey, from a spark of an idea to a successful launch.

Ben is an experienced CEO with two decades of experience in contact centre management. He excels at transforming contact centres to enhance customer service across various channels, ensuring optimal ROI, and consistently meeting and surpassing KPIs.

An enthusiastic and adaptable Software Engineering Leader with over 20 years of experience, Matthew is skilled in delivering a wide array of top-notch products and services. As a reliable leader, he excels in inspiring managers and teams to create innovative solutions that meet budget, time, and quality standards.

To learn more about MaxContact, and how our customer engagement software helps improve efficiency, drive revenue, and strengthen customer connections, click here:

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Previous guests include: Adrian Swinscoe, Punk CX podcast host and author of How to Wow and Punk CX, Chris Rainsforth, Director of The Forum, and James Vukashin, National Director of Contact Centres at Veezu.

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