Beyond the Medical Algorithm
The Hidden Complexities of Childhood Trauma with Dr. Marc Hauser
May 20, 2024
In this episode of Beyond the Medical Algorithm, Catie Harris invites Dr. Marc Hauser, a neuroscientist and former Harvard professor, to discuss childhood trauma and resilience. Dr. Hauser shares insights from his book "Vulnerable Minds" and offers strategies for supporting children facing adversity. They explore the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the importance of understanding the different dimensions within ‘adversity’ as a means of avoiding the dangers that come with our desire to oversimplify and quantify problems in order to manage them. The conversation also touches on innovative therapeutic approaches for adults recovering from trauma and Dr Hauser’s own resilience in dealing with painful and shocking stories on a daily basis.
In today's episode of Beyond the Medical Algorithm, Catie Harris welcomes Dr. Marc Hauser, a neuroscientist and former Harvard professor who has dedicated his career to studying childhood trauma and resilience. Dr. Hauser discusses his latest book, "Vulnerable Minds: The Harm of Childhood Trauma and the Hope of Resilience," which offers new strategies for supporting children facing adversity. 

Dr. Hauser explains that his inspiration to explore this area of neurobiology and education came from his work in schools in the United States and abroad, where he encountered many children living with traumatic experiences. 

They explore the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and the importance of understanding the different dimensions of adversity as a means of avoiding the dangers that come with our desire to oversimplify and quantify problems.

Catie’s in-depth conversation with Marc serves to highlight the challenges and rewards of working with traumatized children and stresses the significance of creating trauma-informed organizations and interventions to support professionals in this field.

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