CFO Weekly
Why CFOs Should Be the Driving Force Behind the ESG Strategy w/ John Truzzolino
May 3, 2022
These days, investors are increasingly applying Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities. ESG might be a new subject for many CFOs, considering it's a non-financial criterion. But they should absolutely do a little research on the topic to continue to attract top investors to their businesses. To better understand ESG, we invited John Truzzolino, Director of Business Development at Donnelley Financial Solutions onto the show. John is responsible for coordinating research, development, and publications around evolving global compliance, focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance issues. He has more than two decades of experience following SEC compliance changes, publishes research articles, and speaks at leading governance organizations' events. In this episode, we discuss: - The role of ESG in the financial services industry - How to monetize ESG? - What is the role of a CFO in building the ESG strategy? - How to build an effective ESG strategy? For more interviews from the CFO Weekly podcast, check us out on Apple, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player! Presented by Personiv
These days, investors are increasingly applying Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities. ESG might be a new subject for many CFOs, considering it's a non-financial criterion. But they should absolutely do a little research on the topic to continue to attract top investors to their businesses.

To better understand ESG, we invited John Truzzolino, Director of Business Development at Donnelley Financial Solutions onto the show. John is responsible for coordinating research, development, and publications around evolving global compliance, focusing on Environmental, Social, and Governance issues. He has more than two decades of experience following SEC compliance changes, publishes research articles, and speaks at leading governance organizations' events.

In this episode, we discuss:

- The role of ESG in the financial services industry
- How to monetize ESG?
- What is the role of a CFO in building the ESG strategy?
- How to build an effective ESG strategy?

Learn more about John and DFIN:

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Previous guests include: Carl Seidman, CSP, CPA , CFO Advisor at Seidman Financial, Beatty D'Alessandro, Managing Partner at BCDN Advisors, Stephen Newland, CMA, Owner of MoneyPath FP&A, Emmanuel Daniel, Founder of The Asian Banker, Official Member at Forbes Business Council
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