The Lavish Leader - Unveiling Wisdom
April 22, 2024
Welcome to The Lavish Leader: Unveiling Wisdom, a podcast by The Lavish Group. We are a community of all kinds of leaders - from big names to those you may not have ever heard of before. Each one of us is on a different path, or from a different background, but we all embody aspects of what it means to truly live a lavish life. Each episode, host Dr. Erin Martin sits down with a different leader, unveiling their unique story of embodying the principles that brought an ever-expanding source of power, fulfillment, joy, and impact to their life.
Welcome to The Lavish Leader: Unveiling Wisdom, where we explore the essence of leadership in every aspect of life. I'm Dr. Erin Martin, your host, and together with a diverse community of leaders, we delve into the principles that transform ordinary moments into extraordinary opportunities for growth and impact.

Join us as we journey through the stories of individuals like Bozoma Saint John, Dr. Sue Morter, and Marci Shimoff, discovering how they embody the lavish life and share their wisdom with the world.

From the boardroom to the classroom, from our homes to our hearts, we uncover the secrets to living a life filled with power, fulfillment, and joy. Subscribe now on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your preferred platform, and unlock the keys to your own lavish journey. Thanks for listening, and remember: greatness awaits those who dare to lead lavishly.

The Lavish Leader - Unveiling Wisdom is handcrafted by our friends over at: