Talk Time: The Contact Centre Podcast
Transform Your Contact Centre Through Dialogue with Nathan Dring
June 12, 2024
In this episode of Talk Time with MaxContact, Nathan Dring, Founder and Director of Nathan Dring and Associates Ltd, joins Sean McIver to discuss integrating learning into daily operations, building trust through conversations, and the impact of remote work on team dynamics. They also touch on the role of managers in driving cultural change and the potential of AI in customer experiences.
In this episode of Talk Time with MaxContact, Nathan Dring, Founder and Director of Nathan Dring and Associates Ltd, joins Sean McIver to discuss integrating learning into daily operations, building trust through conversations, and the impact of remote work on team dynamics. They also touch on the role of managers in driving cultural change and the potential of AI in customer experiences. 

Nathan Dring aims to drive organisational transformation through expertly facilitated conversations, operating across diverse sectors like retail, NHS, sales, and nuclear. His approach hinges on creating engaging programmes that foster behavioral change, improve productivity, and reduce turnover - all through the medium of dialogue. Nathan is Founder and Director of  Nathan Dring and Associates Ltd, was Principal Consultant at PA Consulting and Head of People Development at Contact Centre Panel.  

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Previous guests include: Adrian Swinscoe, Punk CX podcast host and author of How to Wow and Punk CX, Chris Rainsforth, Director of The Forum, and James Vukashin, National Director of Contact Centres at Veezu.

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