The Lavish Leader - Unveiling Wisdom
Self-Mastery, Self-Healing, and Self-Discovery with Dr. Sue Morter
May 7, 2024
In this episode of The Lavish Leader: Unveiling Wisdom, host Dr. Erin Martin is joined by Dr. Sue Morter, President and CEO of Morter Institute. Together, they explore the power of energy medicine for true healing, unlocking how to embrace your wholeness and discover your deeper self.
In this episode of The Lavish Leader: Unveiling Wisdom, host Dr. Erin Martin is joined by Dr. Sue Morter, President and CEO of Morter Institute. 

Join them as they explore:

Dr. Sue Morter is an international speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine, and Quantum Field visionary who teaches the retraining of the nervous system and subtle energy system of the body through a process called Embodiment. She is the visionary behind the Morter Institute, committed to teaching individuals self-healing techniques and an approach to life based on Quantum Science.

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Episode Highlights:
[03:52] Finding Power in Transcendental Meditation
[15:16] Prioritizing Receiving Energy and Perceiving What Already Is There
[21:17] Pursuing a Practice of Personal, Spiritual Development
[28:35] Turning Your Attention Inward
[47:28] Allowing Yourself to Open Up to Embodiment

Episode Resources:

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