Video Marketing Secrets | Simple Strategies for Outrageous ROI
Tucker Max on Creative Resilience, Confidence, and Growing a Service Business
December 19, 2017
As an entrepreneur, you’ve had your fair share of rejection and negative feedback. How do we know? It comes with the territory. If you want to create anything worthwhile, you will catch flak for it. And, ironically, the more successful you become,...

As an entrepreneur, you’ve had your fair share of rejection and negative feedback.

How do we know? It comes with the territory. If you want to create anything worthwhile, you will catch flak for it.

And, ironically, the more successful you become, the more negativity you’ll have to deal with. Not because you’re doing something wrong, mind you. It’s just that, as more people learn about you and your business, you won’t just gain more fans and loyal customers (or clients)…

…you’ll gain more haters, too.

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