Episode 260: Your Sales Forecast Is Broken, but You Can Fix It with Udi Ledergor
November 15, 2022
Do you know who the true magicians are in the business world?
Salespeople. That's right, and that’s all down to their forecasting abilities.
Historically, salespeople have relied more on gut feeling and opinions instead of data when forecasting.
But things don't work like that anymore, and, as a result, sales forecasting is broken.
So how can we fix it? Why is it not working anymore? How can we fix mistakes and create better predictability?
Udi Ledergor, the CMO of Gong.io, joins us today to answer the questions and fix the problem.
Join us as we discuss:
-Why is sales forecasting broken?
-Less guessing, more data
-Four steps to get the right data and make better predictions
-Does swearing on sales calls really work?
Now that you know how to fix your broken sales forecasting... learn how to apply other tactics and tools for a disruptive B2B marketing and sales strategy. Check out the full list of episodes here:
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Previous guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at Salesfare
Check out our three most downloaded episodes:
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