Talk Time: The Contact Centre Podcast
Aligning Culture and Organisational Strategy to Nurture Employee Engagement with Danny Wareham
March 1, 2023
Danny Wareham, Founder and Culture and Engagement Director of Firgun, joins Sean McIver to share his approach to aligning culture with organisational strategy to nurture a purposeful environment for employees to give great service. They also discuss the importance of finding an organisation's ‘why’, the ‘nudge theory’, and cognitive diversity in the workplace.
Danny has over 25 years of experience in contact centre environments across retail, telecommunication, and fintech sectors. He is passionate about creating spaces where people belong and where job fulfilment is a fundamental right. He was previously a Communications and Employee Engagement Manager at Vodafone, the Founder of, and a Customer Relations Manager at Argos.

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Previous guests include: Adrian Swinscoe, Punk CX podcast host and author of How to Wow and Punk CX, Chris Rainsforth, Director of The Forum, and James Vukashin, National Director of Contact Centres at Veezu.

Check out our three most downloaded episodes: