The B2B Revenue Executive Experience
Episode 228: Will Your SEO Survive Google’s New Page Experience Rules? w/ Geoff Atkinson
October 26, 2021
Your SEO strategy has been paying off: You’ve won some key rankings and, more importantly, they’re generating leads. But then the infamous internet autocrat, which prefers to be called Google, decides to implement some changes to its algorithm — and they require technical expertise on your end. Do you have the technical SEO capabilities to meet the challenge or are you doomed to share the fate of Ask Jeeves and MySpace? If you weren’t already aware, this is not merely a hypothetical — Google really is changing its algorithm to punish slower pages in its rankings. If you aren’t sure what this means for your business, today’s guest, technical SEO wizard Geoff Atkinson, Founder and CEO of, has the answers you seek. In this episode, we discuss: The changes Google is implementing and what they mean for you The importance of page speed for Google’s new changes and as a KPI for your business How Huckabuy can help you not just survive Google’s changing algorithm, but use it to win Now that you know how Google’s new rules impact your SEO, are you ready to learn the secrets to establishing credibility or crack the code to effective outbound marketing? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.

Your SEO strategy has been paying off: You’ve won some key rankings and, more importantly, they’re generating leads. But then the infamous internet autocrat, which prefers to be called Google, decides to implement some changes to its algorithm — and they require technical expertise on your end. Do you have the technical SEO capabilities to meet the challenge or are you doomed to share the fate of Ask Jeeves and MySpace?

If you weren’t already aware, this is not merely a hypothetical — Google really is changing its algorithm to punish slower pages in its rankings. If you aren’t sure what this means for your business, today’s guest, technical SEO wizard Geoff Atkinson, Founder and CEO of, has the answers you seek.

In this episode, we discuss:

Now that you know how Google’s new rules impact your SEO, are you ready to learn the secrets to establishing credibility or crack the code to effective outbound marketing? Check out the full list of episodes: The B2B Revenue Executive Experience.

The B2B Revenue Executive Experience is handcrafted by our friends over at:

Previous guests include: Eric Shaver, Managing Partner at Kensei Partners, Harry Spaight, Founder of the Selling with Dignity, Jeroen Corthout, Co-Founder at Salesfare

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