Dronecast: Rethinking Public Safety, One Drone at a Time
The Future of Drone Technology in Firefighting: Insights from Coitt Kessler
November 5, 2024
In the second part of the DroneCast episode, host Joe Kearns continues his conversation with Coitt Kessler, exploring the impact of drones in different firefighting scenarios, the challenges and limitations of current technology, and the future of drone use in emergency response.

In this second part of the DroneCast episode, host Joe Kearns and Coitt Kessler delve deeper into the nuances of drone technology in firefighting. They discuss the similarities and differences in using drones for rural versus urban environments, the current limitations of drone technology, and potential improvements. Coitt shares insights on the importance of data management and communication in emergency situations. The conversation then shifts to the future of drone technology, including the integration of AI, the concept of "teaming" between humans, drones, and other robotic systems, and the potential impact of these advancements on firefighting tactics. They also touch on the challenges of regulations and the need for American innovation in drone manufacturing.

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Dronecast: Rethinking Public Safety, One Drone at a Time Podcast is handcrafted by our friends over at: fame.so

Previous Guests include: Matt Rowland, Jason Burnside

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