The Future Of
Revisiting 2022's Best | The Future Of Robotics
December 30, 2022
In this Best of The Future of Robotics podcast collection, we'll learn about the future of different robotic applications, markets, and technology verticals. Together, we'll chat with leaders and experts in the field of robotics and discuss how we can shape the future human experience. A robot is described as an automatically operated machine that performs a series of activities independently and completes tasks that are typically completed by humans.

Robotics is the discipline of engineering that deals with the idea, design, building, operation, application, and usage of robots. Robots are incredibly adaptable devices, as proven by the great variety of forms and functions they can perform. I think is near and dear to a lot of our hearts is robotics and automation are augmenting human labor and using robots to whether it's the mundane or the thing I think is near and dear to a lot of our hearts is robotics and automation is augmenting human labor and using robots to whether it's the mundane or the thing bringing robotics in to help accomplish tasks because one of the biggest challenges we face in labor works.

It's actually that we don't have enough labor for the amount of construction that needs to get done. Augmentation allows us to get more done in an era where we're going to be challenged to find enough people to build what we need to build.

We finally got to the point where we could, from a cost perspective, build robots that could perform useful tasks. 

Previous guests include: Gurdeep Pall of Microsoft, Carolyn Belle of Astroscale, Kane Simms of VUX World, Rogger Kibbe of Samsung Research America, Rob Tiffany of Sustainable Logix, Katrina Stevens of Tech Interactive, 

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The Future of the Metaverse
The Future of Construction
The Future of Generative AI