Talk Time: The Contact Centre Podcast
Contact Centre Innovation 101 with Paul Weald
May 15, 2024
In this episode of Talk Time with MaxContact, Paul “The Contact Centre Innovator” Weald, Director of Multichannel Customer Experience, joins Sean McIver to share his perspective on contact centre innovation and what it takes to make significant improvements to customer experience. They dive into the importance of balancing demand with smart contact centre strategies, the integration of technology and innovation, how to choose the right metrics that enhance customer experience, and the power of marginal gains in contact centre operations.
In this episode of Talk Time with MaxContact, Paul “The Contact Centre Innovator” Weald, Director of Multichannel Customer Experience, joins Sean McIver to share his perspective on contact centre innovation and what it takes to make significant improvements to customer experience. They dive into the importance of balancing demand with smart contact centre strategies, the integration of technology and innovation, how to choose the right metrics that enhance customer experience, and the power of marginal gains in contact centre operations.

With over 30 years of experience in the field, Paul's expertise spans people management, processes, technology, operations, and customer experience. He is also an experienced angel investor, having invested in six startups over the past eight years, including ventures in customer management, eCommerce, and healthcare. Paul is especially focused on innovation, exploring how businesses can leverage emerging technologies like Generative AI to automate and enhance customer interactions.

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Previous guests include: Adrian Swinscoe, Punk CX podcast host and author of How to Wow and Punk CX, Chris Rainsforth, Director of The Forum, and James Vukashin, National Director of Contact Centres at Veezu.

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