Customers Who Click
Exploring Video Content Strategies for Brands
March 28, 2023
If you're in ecommerce download your free podcast bonuses here: Discover why video is so important for brands and how to make it stand out with Christoffer Flemstrom, founder of Klara Färdiga Film. Learn about the concept of creating content for websites, the challenge of making something interesting in six seconds, and how to personalize emails and SMS with a personal touch. Plus, explore the trend of user-generated content (UGC) videos and AI technology's impact on video content creation and consumption.
Christoffer Flemstrom, founder of Klara Färdiga Film, a subscription video content agency, joined the podcast to discuss why video is so important for brands and how they can make their video content stand out. He believes that in order to get customers clicking with video, it needs to be kept short, sweet and interesting. The conversation discussed the concept of creating content for websites, with a focus on advertising.

It was noted that the company started out by creating shorter ads but has since become more adaptable to different client needs. The challenge of making something interesting in six seconds was discussed as well as the idea of wearing a funnel when trying to attract attention without selling something.

It is suggested that trial and error is the best way to figure out what works for a particular brand as well as making sure the video content is compelling and engaging. Additionally, it was mentioned that looking into competitors' ads libraries on Facebook can be a good indicator of success but should only be used for inspiration rather than copying.

Finally, personalization in emails and SMS can be improved by adding a personal touch such as grammar mistakes or icons in order to make them seem more organic or spicing them up with videos. This podcast conversation discussed the trend of user-generated content (UGC) videos and how they are becoming increasingly popular. It was noted that UGC videos are efficient to make, as they only require an iPhone and an actor or client.