The Future Of
The Future Of UX Design
November 9, 2022
In this episode of The Future Of – Jakob and Marc join Jeff to discuss the history of UX, the present state of affairs, and future trends that will shape the field in the next 30 years. The field of UX has rapidly evolved in the past four decades, and it's growing exponentially. When Jakob Nielson started in 1983, he estimated there were around 1000 people who did UX, and today there are over two million. Nielson estimates that there will be approximately 100 million UX professionals by 2050.
In this episode of The Future of,  Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D., seminal UX practitioner and co-founder of Nielsen Norman Group, and the multitalented Marc Wallace, UX Director at Fresh Consulting, join Jeff to discuss the history of UX, the present state of affairs, and future trends that will shape the field in the next 30 years.

They cover:

If you’re interested in the UX, tune into this episode of “The Future Of”, a Podcast by Fresh Consulting.

Full transcript:

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About the Show

“The Future Of” is a podcast by Fresh Consulting & hosted by Jeff Dance, where we discuss and learn about the future of different industries, markets, and technology verticals. Together we’ll chat with leaders and experts in the field and discuss how we can shape the future human experience.

Previous guests include: Gurdeep Pall of Microsoft, Carolyn Belle of Astroscale, Kane Simms of VUX World, Rogger Kibbe of Samsung Research America, Rob Tiffany of Sustainable Logix, Katrina Stevens of Tech Interactive, 

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The Future of the Metaverse
The Future of Construction
The Future of Generative AI