Humans of CX
Creating Meaningful Experiences in Sales with Ronnell Richards
March 29, 2023
Ronnell Richards, author of Shut The Hell Up And Sell, joins Todd to discuss the importance of creating a customer-centric culture to leverage organic marketing. They also delve into their 2023 tour, monthly webinars, public facing events, new courses, and a companion podcast. Join them for an interesting conversation about sales success and celebrity bus rides!
Ronnell, author of Shut The Hell Up And Sell, joins Todd to discuss the importance of creating meaningful experiences for partners in sales. Ronnell has been in the sales industry for 21 years, and now endeavors to help companies amplify their brands through his business and bourbon platform. 

In this episode, Ronnell discusses the importance of customer experience in sales (particularly for startups and growing companies), as well as some key pointers for building a customer-centric culture from the ground up. They also discuss Ronnell's free course, Advanced Sales Tactics, which is targeted at sellers looking to take their sales production to the next level. They also give the audience some useful tips regarding the use of organic marketing as a tool to improve the customer experience. 

Ronnell's upcoming book, Shut The Hell Up And Sell, is available now! 

Find all of this and more in this episode of Humans of CX.

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