L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders
Trusted Learning Advisors: Earning Trust and Claiming a Seat at the Decision-making Table
December 12, 2023
What if, instead of accepting requests from leadership and acting on them to the best of our ability, L&D delivered solutions we devised on our own? Beyond that, what if we identified the root problem of the symptoms typically identified by leadership, and devised a bespoke learning fix? What if leadership had such strong trust in L&D, that they came to us begging for a creative, mission-critical solution, any time they had a problem that could be resolved by learning? This evolution is the mission of Dr. Keith Keating, author of The Trusted Learning Advisor, and guest of this week’s show.
Learning and Development Professionals have allowed themselves to behave as order takers since the function was first introduced in organizations. As an arena generally considered disconnected from the products or services of a company (read: non-revenue generating), decision-makers tend to treat L&D as an insular, periodic problem-solver. At-the-ready when training or upskilling needs to be made. On call to make modules that teach the newest software. Waiting to be asked to identify a subject matter expert to deliver a one-time training on leadership.

What if, instead of accepting requests from leadership and acting on them to the best of our ability, L&D delivered solutions we devised on our own? Solutions that addressed the root cause of the symptoms observed by leadership… Achieving this status as a Trusted Learning Advisor is the mission Dr. Keith Keating hopes to inspire in all L&D professionals. He is the author of the book The Trusted Learning Advisor, and he dedicated his doctoral research to investigating the attitudes of Chief Financial Officers toward learning and training programs. This week, he shares his insights on how L&D can gain the trust of leadership, and transform the learning experience for good.

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L&D In Action: Winning Strategies from Learning Leaders releases every other Tuesday, bringing you conversations from the best minds in Learning and Development.

Previous guests include: Simon Brown of Novartis, Ravin Jesuthasan of Mercer, Michael Lee Stallard of Connection Culture Group, Michelle Weise of Rise and Design and Dr. Nigel Paine of Learning Now TV.

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