Freight Nation: A Trucking Podcast
Combating Human Trafficking in the Trucking Industry with Laura Cyrus, Senior Director of Industry Training and Outreach for Truckers Against Trafficking
January 2, 2024
In this episode of Freight Nation: A Trucking Podcast, host Brent Hutto is joined by Laura Cyrus, Senior Director of Industry Training and Outreach for Truckers Against Trafficking. Tune in to join their discussion of the vital mission of Truckers Against Trafficking, the free training materials and new app offered by the company, and how people can support the movement.
In this episode of Freight Nation: A Trucking Podcast, host Brent Hutto is joined by Laura Cyrus, Senior Director of Industry Training and Outreach for Truckers Against Trafficking. 

Join them as they:

Laura Cyrus is the amicable Senior Director of Industry Training and Outreach for Truckers Against Trafficking, an Oklahoma-based nonprofit organization that trains truck drivers to recognize and report instances of human trafficking. She is a passionate advocate for the well-being of victims of trafficking in the Logistics sector.

Episode Highlights:

[07:12] - Laura shares her deeply personal journey, revealing the transformative path from facing personal struggles to becoming a dedicated advocate against human trafficking. She emphasizes how her challenges fueled a passionate commitment to making a positive impact. This personal evolution is a powerful motivation throughout her involvement with Truckers Against Trafficking, illustrating the resilience and determination needed to turn adversity into a mission of helping others. 

[18:37] - Truckers Against Trafficking offers free training resources designed to educate truck drivers and industry professionals on identifying and reporting human trafficking. These materials include educational videos, brochures, and online courses. The training equips individuals with the knowledge to recognize signs of trafficking, understand the importance of their role in combating it, and provide practical steps on how to respond and report suspicious activities. Laura mentions that by making these resources freely accessible, the organization aims to empower a wide range of people within the trucking industry to contribute actively to preventing and detecting human trafficking incidents. 

[27:04] - Who are the victims of human trafficking? Laura Cyrus says anyone can be a victim, highlighting that human trafficking doesn't discriminate based on gender or age. Men, women, boys, and girls can all become victims. Notably, she stresses that many victims have some connection to their traffickers, whether through relationships, acquaintances, or familial ties. There is a need for a broad understanding of vulnerability factors to combat this issue effectively. By recognizing and addressing these diverse vulnerabilities, Truckers Against Trafficking aims to bring a more comprehensive and impactful approach to the fight against human trafficking.

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