Hyperlocal Growth Strategies with Jeff Aksengor of Podimo
The Business of Fun
Hyperlocal Growth Strategies with Jeff Aksengor of Podimo
July 22, 2021
In this episode of Mobile Growth & Pancakes, Esther Shatz is joined by Jeff Aksengor, Global Head of Growth at Podimo. The discuss how content consumption trends have made a broad shift during the pandemic. He also shares his insights on creating a localized growth strategy for hyperlocal content platforms.
In this episode of Mobile Growth & Pancakes, Esther Shatz is joined by Jeff Aksengor, Global Head of Growth at Podimo. They discuss how content consumption trends have made a broad shift during the pandemic. He also shares his insights on creating a localized growth strategy for hyperlocal content platforms.

Learn more about Jeff:

Jeff on LinkedIn

Episode Resources:

Podimo LinkedIn
Podimo Website
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Storemaven Webinar

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