E3 Association has different branches within their umbrella because they want to cater to all members of the outdoor community. Brian Johnson helped to co-found E3 and continues to help the business fulfill its vision. He’s studied all the strengths and weaknesses of each branch and has a different business strategy for each based on what he has learned.
• Launch, using companies and celebrities who have a big following.
• He approached them like approaching a venture capitalist.
• Bring people and companies ways to build income streams.
• Had to build a little bit of it in advance to get started.
• How he created the snowball.
• How he started right from the beginning.
• The turning point.
• Don’t overthink it – get something simple and functional so people can see what it looks like.
• Start with marketing the general concept and let specifics emerge.
TIME-STAMPED SHOW NOTES: [3:29] Do affiliate programs. [9:20] Overcome in the startup phase. [14:49] Premium Member