Building a Better World
Integrating Web3 Into Your Brand with Michael DeNunzio, Founder of Pebble Ventures LLC
April 13, 2023
In this episode of the Building a Better World podcast, host Hrish Lotlikar is joined by Michael DeNunzio, Managing Director and Founder of Pebble Ventures LLC. They discuss how fashion brands can integrate Web3 more into their marketing, as well as how digital collectables are inherently linked to customer loyalty.
There’s a lot of confusion amongst brands as to why they should even give Web3 a chance. Who can blame them? It’s a new and growing phenomenon that many folks on the internet have pushed back on, claiming that it’s a scam or that it’s no more than a trend waiting to die out. Well, sorry to disappoint, but if this were a trend, then it would have died out a long time ago; it’s here to stay.

In this episode of Building a Better World, Hrish is joined by Michael DeNunzio, Managing Director and Founder of Pebble Ventures LLC, a metaverse consultancy for leading lifestyle brands, helping them build their business and brand to the next level. He is also the host of the Metaverse Matters Podcast and the Strategic Advisor for the Metaverse at Pilot44. Prior to this, he was the Chief Revenue Officer at Focalize Designer.

As a podcast dedicated to making the world a better place through the metaverse, Michael is the perfect guest for this episode!

They cover:

Key Highlights: 

Innovation in the World of Fashion – Having started his career in marketing, he ended up transitioning into the metaverse, particularly after seeing how the fashion industry can integrate itself so well with it. He lists Nike, Adidas, Tommy Hilfiger, and more as brands actively innovating in the Web3 space and, to put it simply, finding new ways to engage with the consumer. It’s only natural that they would have a better relationship with each other if they could interact in this new space together. It’s the sustainable and most obvious step forward.

Customer Loyalty and Digital Collectibles – The key to customer retention and loyalty is finding new and inventive ways to engage with them. More and more brands are taking advantage of new Web3 initiatives, particularly digital collectibles. Customers like having something new and exciting to use in relation to their favorite brands, and more than that, it’s sustainable, something that customers want far more than they used to.

What Are the Objectives of Your Brand? – There’s a lot of confusion amongst brands as to why they should even give Web3 a chance. Who can blame them? It’s a new and growing phenomenon that many folks on the internet have pushed back on, claiming that it’s a scam or that it’s no more than a trend waiting to die out. Well, sorry to disappoint, but if this were a trend, then it would have died out a long time ago; it’s here to stay. Michael explains that, in order to convince brands to use it, they need to know what their marketing objectives are.

Transferring the Values of a Brand Into Web3 – If you’re a brand making to move into Web3 from Web2, you need to be thoughtful about how you’ll go about it. What are you going to port over onto there? How will it translate into the real world? Will it be the best thing for your customer interaction? These are all things that matter most, because you don’t want to ruin the intrinsic value you’ve already established as a brand, especially heritage brands that have been around for a long, long time. 

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The Building a Better World podcast is hosted by Hrish Lotlikar. In each episode, Hrish interviews people who are involved or interested in the metaverse, VR, and Web3 and are actively using technologies to improve people’s real-world lives in a practical way.

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