Video Marketing Secrets | Simple Strategies for Outrageous ROI
From Broke to Financially Independent by 35, with Todd Tresidder
January 9, 2018
Here’s an uncomfortable truth most people don’t want to think about: Making lots of money doesn’t guarantee financial independence. Look at NFL stars, for example. They routinely make 7 figures a year. And yet, 78% of NFL players wind up broke...

Here’s an uncomfortable truth most people don’t want to think about:

Making lots of money doesn’t guarantee financial independence.

Look at NFL stars, for example. They routinely make 7 figures a year. And yet, 78% of NFL players wind up broke or under financial stress after they retire.

Same goes for the majority of celebrities: Hollywood actors, reality TV stars, you name it.

We’re going to go out on a limb and say that at least part of the reason you became an entrepreneur is financial. You want to have a comfortable lifestyle, retire with lots of savings, and leave a sizable inheritance to your children. Who doesn’t?

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