Customers Who Click
Drive Customer Retention with SMS Marketing
October 27, 2020
This weeks guest was David Hoos of Conversmart, here with me to talk all about how brands can make use of SMS as a marketing and customer engagement channel. It’s a difficult channel to use as its so intrusive, but this is exactly why it’s so powerful. With 90%+ open rates within minutes of sending you can ensure your message gets in front of your audience, but you just have to make it the right message. Too promotional too often and you’ll see those unsubscribe rates rocket.

This weeks guest was David Hoos of Conversmart, here with me to talk all about how brands can make use of SMS as a marketing and customer engagement channel.

It’s a difficult channel to use as its so intrusive, but this is exactly why it’s so powerful in the hands of great marketers.

With 90%+ open rates within minutes of sending you can ensure your message gets in front of your audience, but you just have to make it the right message.

Too promotional too often and you’ll see those unsubscribe rates rocket.

David is the Director of Marketing at Conversmart where they help growing DTC brands run best-in-class SMS and email programs that delight consumers and drive more revenue. He's been featured in multiple publications including Digiday, Shopify Plus, BigCommerce, and more. Outside of work, he's usually spending time with his wife and foster kiddo or cooking up a chunk of meat on his smoker. You can connect with him on LinkedIn or Twitter.