Million Dollar Mastermind with Larry Weidel
Episode #789 - How A Layoff Turned Feras Alhlou Into A Serial Entrepreneur with Feras Alhlou
March 25, 2024
This week on the Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, host Larry Weidel is joined by Feras Alhlou, Co-Founder and Advisor for New Consulting Businesses at Start Up With Feras and author of “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact.” Feras has built his wealth by founding and selling startups such as E-Nor to Dentsu, where it became a leading Google partner and reseller for Fortune 500 companies. He is recognized as a leading entrepreneurial voice on LinkedIn and actively participates in various social platforms. Feras was also among the top five finalists for the Most Influential Digital Analytics Agency. As the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board at e-CENS, he has made significant contributions to the field. Additionally, Feras co-authored a case study with Google, showcasing how E-Nor leveraged our analytics to align the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art's (SFMOMA) business goals with their online strategy.
This week on the Million Dollar Mastermind podcast, host Larry Weidel is joined by Feras Alhlou, Co-Founder and Advisor for New Consulting Businesses at Start Up With Feras and author of “Google Analytics Breakthrough: From Zero to Business Impact.”

In the first part of this episode, Feras shares his journey from being a technical engineer to a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley, highlighting the shift from technical work to roles that required more interaction with people, which he found fulfilling. He underscores the importance of adapting to new roles, continuous learning, and applying new knowledge. Additionally, Feras reflects on the challenges of starting a business.

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