Product Thinking
Episode 173: Building a Healthy Failure Culture for Innovation and Learning with Amy Edmondson, Professor at Harvard
May 29, 2024
In this episode of the Product Thinking podcast, host Melissa Perri is joined by Amy Edmonson, professor at Harvard Business school and author of the new book: “Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well.” Join them as they discuss the science of failing well, what is psychological safety and the distinction between leadership and leaders.
In this episode of the Product Thinking podcast, host Melissa Perri is joined by Amy  Edmonson, professor at Harvard Business school and author of the new book: “Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well.” Join them as they discuss the science of failing well, what is psychological safety and the distinction between leadership and leaders.

Amy has been at Harvard Business School for nearly twenty eight years now as their Novartis Professor of Leadership and Management. She is a prolific author; her most recent book, the Right Kind of Wrong: The Science of Failing Well, is the Winner of the Financial Times and Schroders Business Book of the Year 2023 and is the Behavioral Scientist Notable Book of 2023. Amy has appeared on multiple other podcasts, such as “The Psychology Podcast” and “Better,” to discuss Failing Well. Amy was also a guest recently on The Psychology Podcast, discussing Failing Well. She has also recently written for the Guardian: “The big idea: why we need to learn to fail better”

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Previous guests include: Tanya Johnson Chief Product Officer at Auror, Tom Eisenmann of Harvard Business School, Stephanie Leue of Doodle, Jason Fried of 37signals, Hubert Palan of Productboard, Blake Samic of Stripe and Uber, Quincy Hunte of Amazon Web Services

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