Triangle Theory | Self-Development and Mental Health
You Become Who You Surround Yourself With - Triangle Theory #012
September 27, 2024
Discover how the people and environment around you shape your destiny. In this video, we explore the profound impact your surroundings have on your personal growth, success, and overall well-being. Learn practical tips to create a positive environment that aligns with your goals and helps you thrive.
In this episode, we discussed:

0:00 - Intro
3:36 - The Science of Fate: Nature and Nurture in Action
6:05 - Are We Born With Traits or Do We Develop Them?
9:02 - How Your Genes Influence Your Personality
12:21 - Can Life Experiences Change Who You Are?
17:05 - The Impact of Twins on the Nature vs. Nurture Debate
22:54 - Genetics vs. Environment: What Shapes Us More?
28:05 - The Twin Connection: Shared Dreams and Intuition
32:43 - Can Hallucinogens Impact Your Understanding of Self?
36:21 - Early Childhood Memories: How They Program Your Life
41:03 - Raising Secure and Confident Children
44:40 - Changing Generational Patterns Through Self-Awareness
48:50 - Are You Born With Emotional Intelligence?
51:00 - Conclusion: Nature, Nurture, and the Power of Choice


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