AI, Government, and the Future
AI in the Federal Government: Opportunities and Challenges with Heather Ashby
June 19, 2024
In this episode of AI, Government, and the Future, host Alan Pentz is joined by Heather Ashby, Principal Consultant of Corner Alliance, to discuss the evolving landscape of AI adoption in the federal government. Heather shares insights into key focus areas like workforce development, AI pilots in agencies such as DHS, and the challenges of implementing AI across the government. She also explores the potential of AI to enhance government services, the need for improved data management, and critical steps to address security concerns like deep fakes and disinformation.
Heather Ashby joins this episode to discuss the current state and future trajectory of AI adoption in the federal government. With experience consulting for various agencies, Heather provides a nuanced perspective on the opportunities and challenges facing the government in this rapidly evolving space.

The conversation delves into two main focus areas for federal AI efforts: preparing the workforce through training and education initiatives, and mission-oriented applications of AI to enhance capabilities in agencies like DHS. Heather highlights pilot projects underway at ICE, USCIS, and FEMA that leverage AI for data analysis, pattern recognition, and predictive analytics.

However, Heather notes that widespread AI adoption faces hurdles, including the need for extensive workforce training, data cleanliness, and overcoming resistance to change in an aging federal workforce. Uneven adoption across agencies is likely, with some like the Commerce Department potentially leading the charge.

Heather and Alan also discuss the role vendors can play in guiding the government's AI journey, the importance of experimentation and pilots to prepare for an AI-driven future, and the coming challenges AI will pose in areas like regulatory public comments and application reviews.

Additionally, they explore how AI could help restore public trust by enhancing government services and combating disinformation, while emphasizing the need for deepfake detection capabilities and digital watermarking of official information. Heather advocates for a whole-of-society approach to AI preparedness, with involvement from the private sector and educational pipelines for the federal workforce.

Throughout the conversation, Heather stresses the importance of proactive planning, workforce development, and a willingness to experiment and adapt AI to the unique needs of the federal government. Her insights paint a picture of the challenging but necessary road ahead for AI adoption in government.

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