AI, Government, and the Future
Navigating the Complex Landscape of AI Compute Governance with Lennart Heim of Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI)
May 2, 2024
In this episode of AI, Government, and the Future, we are joined by Lennart Heim, Research Fellow at Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI), to discuss the complex landscape of AI compute governance. Lennart leads GovAI's compute governance work, exploring how computational resources influence the trajectory of AI development. The conversation covers the exponential growth in AI computing power, international frameworks for governing compute resources, and the challenges in balancing innovation and security.
In this episode of AI, Government, and the Future, we are  joined by Lennart Heim, Research Fellow at Centre for the Governance of AI (GovAI), to discuss the complex landscape of AI compute governance. Lennart leads GovAI's compute governance work, exploring how computational resources influence the trajectory of AI development. The conversation covers the exponential growth in AI computing power, international frameworks for governing compute resources, and the challenges in balancing innovation and security.
With a background in computer engineering, Lennart focuses on the intersection of technical governance and policy for managing the risks and benefits of increasingly powerful AI systems. The conversation covers the exponential growth in AI computing power, detectability as a key attribute for governing compute, and international frameworks for regulating frontier AI development.
Lennart emphasizes the importance of embracing AI while carefully managing risks. He discusses the ethical considerations around limiting compute access and the challenges in balancing innovation with security and safety. Looking ahead, Lennart sees a growing need for AI expertise within governments and collaborative international efforts to navigate the rapidly evolving AI landscape.
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