AI, Government, and the Future
AI in Accounting Education: Bridging the Digital Divide with Dr. Mfon Akpan
May 8, 2024
In this episode of AI, Government, and the Future, host Max Romanik is joined by Dr. Mfon Akpan, Assistant Professor of Accounting at Methodist University, to discuss the transformative potential and challenges of AI in accounting education and the workforce. They explore how AI can enhance productivity, bridge the digital divide, and the ethical considerations surrounding its use in academia. Dr. Akpan also shares his insights on the rapidly evolving technology landscape and the importance of lifelong learning.
In this episode of AI, Government, and the Future, host Max Romanik is joined by Dr. Mfon Akpan, Assistant Professor of Accounting at Methodist University, to discuss the transformative potential and challenges of AI in accounting education and the workforce. They explore how AI can enhance productivity, bridge the digital divide, and the ethical considerations surrounding its use in academia. Dr. Akpan also shares his insights on the rapidly evolving technology landscape and the importance of lifelong learning.

With over a decade of experience in academia, Dr. Akpan has a strong foundation in teaching, research, and service within the fields of accounting, finance, business, and management. His innovative use of pedagogical methods and online platforms has significantly enhanced the educational experience for his students. Additionally, Dr. Akpan serves on the audit committee for the city of Fayetteville, North Carolina, contributing his expertise to oversee the city's financial affairs effectively.

Dr. Akpan highlights the importance of understanding how AI tools like large language models work, their potential to improve productivity, and the challenges they pose in terms of privacy, bias, and access. He emphasizes the need for educators, policymakers, and industry to collaborate in preparing students for the rapidly changing workforce and the role of lifelong learning in navigating this evolving landscape.

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