AI, Government, and the Future
Generative AI's Tech Creative Revolution with Max Sklar, Host of The Local Maximum Podcast
January 17, 2024
Max Sklar, Host of The Local Maximum Podcast, joins this episode of AI, Government, and the Future by Alan Pentz to explore the evolution and impact of generative AI technology. They dive into the revolutionary impact of generative AI on creativity and expression, the importance of balancing AI innovation and government regulation, and the transformative power of Bayesian thinking.
Max Sklar, Host of The Local Maximum Podcast, joins this episode of AI, Government, and the Future by Alan Pentz to explore the evolution and impact of generative AI technology. They dive into the revolutionary impact of generative AI on creativity and expression, the importance of balancing AI innovation and government regulation, and the transformative power of Bayesian thinking.

Max is a machine learning engineer who is deeply passionate about exploring real-world problems and solutions that have emerged with the rise of machine learning. As host of The Local Maximum, he delves into topics that can help us create a decentralized, pro-human, and pro-freedom future.

Before that, Max was a Founding Engineer at, an Engineering and Innovation Labs Advisor at Foursquare, and a Machine Learning Engineer at Luminary Media. He was also an Adjunct Instructor at New York University and an NYU Technology Consultant at SecondMarket.

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