Product Thinking
Episode 123: Navigating Conflicting Methodologies in Product Management with Melissa Perri
June 14, 2023
In this episode, Melissa answers questions on navigating conflicting methodologies, the importance of hiring a skilled product manager, and achieving strategic alignment and execution in large enterprise companies with multiple product lines and strategies. She further delves into the importance of standardizing processes, such as product strategy cadence, roadmaps, and discovery toolkits, to facilitate coordination and collaboration. To find out how Dear Melissa is helping build the perfect product management company, head to Dear Melissa.
This time on Dear Melissa, Melissa Perri holds an interactive session with Teresa Torres, Product Discovery Coach at Product Talk.

In this episode, they answer questions on navigating conflicting methodologies, the importance of hiring a skilled product manager, and achieving strategic alignment and execution in large enterprise companies with multiple product lines and strategies. They delve further into the importance of standardizing processes, such as product strategy cadence, road maps, and discovery tool kits, to facilitate coordination and collaboration.

Have a product question for Melissa? Submit one here and Melissa may answer it in a future episode.Have a product question for Melissa? Submit one here and Melissa may answer it in a future episode.

Episode Highlights:

02:00 - 05:27 — Secret to Navigating Conflicting Methodologies
-  According to Melissa, navigating conflicting methodologies within a team is essential when dealing with individuals who strongly believe in their approach. She suggests understanding the person's perspective and motivations is crucial before engaging in discussions. It is advisable to follow the person's methodology if it is proves to be effective for the situation instead of creating unnecessary conflict. However, if there is a better alternative, it is essential to communicate and discuss it openly, highlighting its advantages and suitability for the specific context. Melissa acknowledges that people can become stuck in their preferred methodologies across various fields and emphasizes the need for open-mindedness and active listening to find common ground and explore new possibilities.

07:39 - 10:46 — Be Focused on Solving a Problem
- Melissa mentions that one should focus on solving a problem rather than concentrating on problem-solving techniques.  She suggests stripping away tools and techniques to have open discussions about solving the problem efficiently. It encourages stepping back, asking questions, and understanding different perspectives without confrontation. By adopting a diplomatic approach and working together, teams can find better solutions and avoid unnecessary conflicts over preferred processes.

11:50 - 13:20 — The Importance of a Chief Product Officer (CPO)
- The CPO is  a central figure responsible for aligning the company's product vision and strategy across different business lines and teams. The CPO is critical in coordinating product efforts and promoting collaboration across departments. Furthermore, the CPO enables the establishment of product operations, which involves setting up efficient processes, frameworks, and structures for product management within the organization. They drive the adoption of best practices, implement effective communication channels, and streamline product-related workflows. 

14:01 - 15:48 — Enhancing Product Management Efficiency through Cadence and Framework Setup
- Melissa states the importance of setting the cadence and framework for how an organization works regarding product management. It suggests standardizing discovery toolkits and utilizing various resources available to communicate and coordinate product activities within and outside the organization. The organization creates a structured approach to discovering, developing, and delivering products by developing a product management framework.  This framework helps establish guidelines, processes, and best practices that ensure consistent and efficient product management practices across the organization. 


Melissa Perri on LinkedIn | Twitter | CPO Accelerator

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Previous guests include: Tanya Johnson Chief Product Officer at Auror, Tom Eisenmann of Harvard Business School, Stephanie Leue of Doodle, Jason Fried of 37signals, Hubert Palan of Productboard, Blake Samic of Stripe and Uber, Quincy Hunte of Amazon Web Services

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