Product Thinking
Episode 150: The Evolution of Growth Hacking and Product Management in SaaS with Hiten Shah, Co-founder and CEO at Nira
December 20, 2023
In this episode of Product Thinking, Hiten Shah, Co-founder and CEO at Nira, joins Melissa Perri in the evolution of growth hacking and product management in the SaaS world. Hiten unveils the true purpose of growth hacking, modern marketing misconceptions around growth hacking and product-led growth, as well as the challenge of reconciling differing interpretations of the term Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in agile and business startup contexts.
In this episode of Product Thinking, Hiten Shah, Co-founder and CEO at Nira, joins Melissa Perri in the evolution of growth hacking and product management in the SaaS world. Hiten unveils the true purpose of growth hacking, modern marketing misconceptions around growth hacking and product-led growth, as well as the challenge of reconciling differing interpretations of the term Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in agile and business startup contexts.

Hiten has been involved in various software development and startup movements during his career, and has witnessed significant progress at the intersection of product, marketing, and SaaS. Since 2003, Hiten has started multiple SaaS businesses, two of which were very early in the product analytics space - Crazy Egg and Kissmetrics. Moreover, he has recently started his own podcast, The Hiten Show, which offers advice for start-ups in a call-in style.

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Previous guests include: Tanya Johnson Chief Product Officer at Auror, Tom Eisenmann of Harvard Business School, Stephanie Leue of Doodle, Jason Fried of 37signals, Hubert Palan of Productboard, Blake Samic of Stripe and Uber, Quincy Hunte of Amazon Web Services

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