Triangle Theory | Self-Development and Mental Health
CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Smelling Salts. Men Doing Therapy. How to Rebuild Yourself -Triangle Theory #026
December 25, 2024
Embark on an inspiring journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and cultural exploration. From the transformative power of therapy and embracing vulnerability to life-changing moments during solo travel, this video delves into topics that resonate with anyone seeking to grow and thrive. Discover stories of unexpected kindness in India, the profound lessons from ancient rituals like the Māori haka, and how stepping out of your comfort zone builds resilience. We explore the healing power of ayahuasca, the role of food in fostering connections, and insights into rediscovering lost civilisations in the Amazon. Perfect for those passionate about self-improvement, mindfulness, and cross-cultural understanding, this discussion will leave you inspired to take on new challenges and embrace your journey of growth.
In this episode, we discussed:

0:00 - Intro
0:31 - Embracing Vulnerability as a Young Man
3:02 - Therapy and Finding the Right Fit
7:27 - The Hardest Question: "Who Are You?"
10:55 - Lessons Learned from Solo Travel
14:32 - The Power of Self-Discovery
18:50 - Moving Countries: Risks and Rewards
22:15 - Exploring Cultural Hospitality
26:00 - Breaking Bread: A Universal Gesture
30:35 - Christmas Traditions Around the World
35:10 - Unveiling Ancient Civilisations
40:00 - The Legacy of the Haka
44:30 - Rituals and Traditions That Stand the Test of Time
49:05 - Exploring Ayahuasca and Psychedelic Experiences
55:40 - The Mysteries of Ancient Civilisations
1:00:25 - Lessons from Ancient Rituals
1:08:41 - Trying Smelling Salts
1:15:40 - Running 100km
1:20:40 - The Influence of the Olympic Games
1:25:30 - The Psychology of Giving Without Expectation
1:30:15 - Life Lessons from the Amazon Rainforest
1:35:05 - The Power of Brotherhood in Spartan Culture
1:40:20 - Ancient Festivals and Their Modern Impact
1:45:50 - The Role of Storytelling in Preserving History
1:50:45 - Finding Resilience Through Adversity


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#christmas #smellingsalts #selfdevelopment #personalgrowth #triangletheory