Focusing on Customer Success with Mo McKibbin, Head of Customer Support & Success at Moxion
In this episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Mo McKibbin, Head of Customer Support & Success at Moxion. They discuss Mo’s aha! journey, the difference between customer success and customer experience, how to deliver great customer success, and how to manage the customer's feedback efficiently.
In this episode of Getting to Aha!, Darshan Mehta is joined by Mo McKibbin, Head of Customer Support & Success at Moxion. They discuss Mo’s aha! journey, the difference between customer success and customer experience, how to deliver great customer success, and how to manage the customer's feedback efficiently.
Mo started her journey in acting, which taught the many lessons she then went to use in her following customer success roles. After a couple of work experiences, she pivoted into customer service and technical support. Before joining Moxion, Mo worked for companies like Groove, Upworthy, Help Scout, and Brightback.
👉 Being a CSM is about listening to people, understanding, empathizing, and letting it affect you. Customer success involves listening and talking to customers
👉 ”If you're not building a product for your customers, who are you building it for?”
👉 “It's your job to listen, absorb, and understand the customer's feedback and feelings”
👉 Sales and success are about receiving what a customer wants and then using that information to apply your product to their needs
👉 Customer experience is a larger umbrella that customer success falls into
👉 Customer represents a set of processes and operations that ensures your customers are successful in using successfully the product to accomplish the outcomes that they chose the product for. Customer experience is the whole big picture of the customer's interactions with your business
👉 Moxion attributes most of its roadmap to customer feedback and a part to innovation
👉 Regarding feedback, you don't necessarily need a research department. Simply change how you organize, categorize, segment, and frame that feedback
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